The 7th Stand User Download 9,3/10 6001 reviews
The 7th stand user 2 download
  1. Jjba The 7th Stand User Download
  2. Combination Tv And Computer Desk
  3. Jjba The Seventh Stand User

7th Stand User (Game) 7th Stand User - Freeform; Summary. Based off the game 'Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: The Seventh Stand User'. Great victory, but tremendous loss. Gba4ios pc download. When fate comes knocking, Lizzy finds herself on the roadtrip of a lifetime to conquer an ancient evil before it. Raw download clone embed print report. 7th Stand User 2: Fate Is Unbreakable Questionnaire Walkthrough Rohan will ask you about fate, and your answer to this question will lock you into one of three paths for your Stand. 'Fate is unbreakable' - Short Range Stand.

Jul 13th, 2019

Jjba The 7th Stand User Download


Combination Tv And Computer Desk

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  1. Questionnaire Walkthrough
  2. Rohan will ask you about fate, and your answer to this question will lock you into one of three paths for your Stand.
  3. 'Fate is unbreakable' - Short Range Stand
  4. 'Fate doesn't really matter' - Long Range Stand
  5. Once you're on a path to a Stand, you will get a series of randomly selected questions. Each answer you give adds a point to an archetype category, A-F. When you reach 8 points in any category, your Stand is determined! If Rohan gets to the end of his questions and you have two or more categories tied in points, a series of tiebreaker questions with only two answers will be asked. This continues until one of your scores is higher than the others. If you're following this guide to get a specific Stand, you shouldn't have those come up at all.
  6. 'We're halfway through already' = 4 points reached
  7. 'So much material to work with' = 6 points reached
  8. 1) 'If there was an incident where another student was making rumors about you. Let's see, you would..'
  9. Confront the person - A +1, B +1
  10. Dismiss it as false - E +1, F +1
  11. 2) 'An untrustworthy friend asked you to lend them money not long ago. It looks like you..'
  12. Lent them money - C +1, E +1
  13. Refused to lend them any money - D +1, A +1
  14. 3) 'When you are invited a party, you usually..'
  15. Attend because you like parties - E +1, C +1
  16. Don't attend because you dislike parties - F +1, B +1
  17. Don't attend because you don't know the host - D +1, A +1
  18. 4) 'So you've been thinking about what would you do if your friend carelessly crossed the street, and a car came barreling straight for them. You're pretty sure you would..'
  19. Yell at them to get out of the way - B +1
  20. Say nothing - D +1, F +1
  21. 5) 'Whenever you're given a school project, you..'
  22. Work with a partner - B +1, A +1
  23. Work with a group - C +1, E +1
  24. 6) 'You do think that above all, it's most important..'
  25. To be feared - D +1
  26. Both feared and respected - A +1
  27. 7) 'You believe that what makes a truly good friend is..'
  28. Loyalty - A +1, E +1
  29. Usefulness - B +1, D +1
  30. 8) 'Some people describe you as..'
  31. Warm-hearted - A +1, E +1, C +1
  32. 9) 'You consider the most important people in your life to be..'
  33. Friends - E +1, C +1
  34. Myself - A +1, D +1
  35. 10) 'You believe that violence is..'
  36. A valid answer - D +1, B +1
  37. Sometimes necessary - F +1, A +1
  38. 11) 'Oh, what do we have here? You seem to have been agonizing over something you lied about. If it were to come up in a conversation you are certain that you most likely would..'
  39. Cover it up - D +1, B +1, F +1
  40. 12) 'A friend of yours admitted to doing something embarrassing once and you..'
  41. Kept it a secret - A +1, B +1
  42. Laughed at them - D +1, F +1
  43. 13) 'It seems that what you look for in a relationship the most is..'
  44. Someone funny - C +1, E +1
  45. Someone who caters to you - B +1, D +1
  46. 14) 'Interesting. One day you found a wounded animal lying on the side of the road and it seemed to be on its last legs too, so you..'
  47. Comforted it - E +1, F +1
  48. Laughed at it - D +1, C +1
  49. 15) 'Funny. You arrived at school last Thursday and someone was wearing the exact same gold plated wrist watch as you were, so you..'
  50. Complimented them - A +1, B +1, E +1
  51. Beat them up - D +1
  52. 16) 'It reads here that you were struggling with your worst subject before a big test recently. You decided to..'
  53. Study all night - A +1, B +1
  54. Give up - F +1, C +1
  55. 17) 'You read a hypothetical question in a magazine once and you've been struggling with your answer ever since, it seems. It asked what would you do if you hit a man with your car but no one was around. You answered that you would..'
  56. Call an ambulance - B +1, F +1
  57. Drive off - C +1
  58. 18) 'Friday night and you had nothing to do. I can't decide if that's either sad or pathetic. Still, you..'
  59. Called friends - E +1, A +1
  60. Played video games - C +1
  61. 19) - 'It says here that the other day, you were browsing a forum and saw someone had posted an opinion you didn't agree with. You..'
  62. Argued - E +1, A +1
  63. Ignored them - B +1
  64. 20) 'You found yourself walking past a homeless person on the street a few weeks ago, and you..'
  65. Gave them money - C +1, E +1
  66. Robbed them - D +1
  67. 21) 'Oh, would you look at this! It's almost time for your school's summer games and you're signed up to compete against your will. You are planning to..'
  68. Train to be #1 - A +1
  69. Play sick - F +1, C +1
  70. 22) 'You can't keep any secrets from me in your current state, you know? It says here that you saw a group of men beating someone to a pulp in an alley some time ago. The men spotted you and told you to keep quiet and leave. You actually..'
  71. Called the police - B +1
  72. Left - F +1, C +1
  73. 23) 'You heard a bizarre sound last night while you were in your bed. You decided to..'
  74. Investigate - E +1, A +1
  75. Go back to sleep - D +1, C +1
  76. 24) 'So a person you absolutely hate won against you in a competition and rubbed it in your face? I see you..'
  77. It wasn't a big deal - B +1, C +1
  78. Made an elaborate plan - F +1, E +1
  79. 25) 'Seems that what you find the most attractive in a partner is..'
  80. Their eyes - A +1, F +1
  81. Their hands - C +1
  82. 26) 'Hmm, a special someone at school confessed their love to you, I see. You actually..'
  83. Told them you weren't interested - B +1
  84. Tried to use their affection - D +1
  85. 27) 'This memory right here is just too precious. A classmate embarrassed you in front of the whole class and you..'
  86. Went home and cried - F +1, E +1
  87. Got revenge - C +1
  88. 28) 'So you hope to win the lottery one day? Amusing. You even daydream about..
  89. Giving to charity - C +1
  90. Keeping the money - D +1, A +1
  91. Hate it - F +1
  92. It's not cheating.. - B +1, D +1
  93. 30) 'I see that whenever you want to watch TV and your mother is already watching a program, you usually..'
  94. Grab the remote - D +1
  95. Sit and watch - E +1
  96. 31) 'You often think that if a local thief were to make off with your belongings, you would..'
  97. Call the police - F +1, B +1
  98. Shoot him - D +1
  99. 32) 'So when a bully decided to relentlessly harass a friend of yours, you..'
  100. Convince your friend to change schools - F +1, D +1
  101. Challenge to a fight - A +1, E +1
  102. 33)
  103. Now, this is rich. You went to a restaurant and ordered dinner but when your food finally arrived, it was horrid. So you..
  104. Complained - E +1, B +1
  105. Punched it - C +1
  106. 34) 'It seems that you often think about getting a pet of your own and that you'd like to raise a..'
  107. Kitten - F +1, B +1
  108. Lizard - A +1
  109. 35) 'Crowds, unfortunately, are something everyone encounters from time to time. You..'
  110. Love crowds - C +1, E +1
  111. Mingle depending on situation - A +1
  112. The ends never justify the means - E +1, A +1, C +1
  113. Results:
  114. Short Range - Motorhead [A], Space Oddity [B], Slim Shady [C], Wrecking Crew [D], The Wall [E], The Stand [F]
  115. Medium Range - Tenacious D [A], Danger Zone [B], Helter Skelter [C], Danger! High Voltage [D], Red Light Special [E], New York Minute [F]
  116. Long Range - Ace of Spades [A], Velvet Revolver [B], Light Up The Night [C], Maneater [D], Take On Me [E], Hip To Be Square [F]

Jjba The Seventh Stand User